
Digital Flowmeter™

Monitor compressed air usage and waste!

EXAIR’s Digital Flowmeter family is available in many sizes.

What Is The Digital Flowmeter?

Anyone serious about lowering their energy consumption, operating an efficient plant, or optimising their compressed air
system knows that measuring compressed air consumption is the first step toward efficiency. EXAIR’s Digital Flowmeter is
the easy way to monitor compressed air consumption and waste! The digital display shows the exact amount of compressed
air being used, making it easy to identify costly leaks or inefficient air products. Many companies install the Digital
Flowmeter on each major leg of their air distribution system to constantly monitor and benchmark compressed air usage.

The Digital Flowmeter has an LED display that directly indicates the SCFM or m3/hr volume of airflow through that pipe.
Models for 1/2” to 8” iron pipe are available. Each Digital Flowmeter is calibrated for the pipe size to which it is
mounted. The Digital Flowmeter is designed for permanent or temporary mounting to the pipe. It requires the user to
drill two small holes through the pipe using the included drill bit and locating fixture. The two flow sensing probes of
the flowmeter are inserted in these holes. The unit seals to the pipe once the clamps are tightened. No cutting,
welding, adjustments, or calibration are ever required. If the unit needs to be removed, block off rings are available.
NEMA type 4 (IP66) meters are available. Please contact us.

How it Works

These flowmeters measure flow by maintaining a temperature differential between the two probes inserted into the
compressed air pipe. One probe is kept warmer than the other and mass flow rate is determined by the amount of heat
required to maintain the temperature differential. The flow rate, in SCFM or m3/hr, is shown on the large four-digit
display. A 4-20 mA output and pulse output permit remote display of the flow value and data collection.

Digital Flowmeter Versions

These four versions of digital flowmeters can be used on Schedule 40 iron pipe, Type L copper pipe, or the nominal pipe
sizes listed under Specifications.


The original Digital Flowmeter provides accuracy and an easy to read display of current compressed air
consumption, daily consumption, or cumulative consumption. Digital Flowmeter with optional Data Logger shown

Hot Tap

This meter allows for installation under pressure, eliminating the need to isolate and remove pressure from the
pipe it is being installed upon. It incorporates two valves that the probes pass through and a muffler that
collects chips from the drilling process. It takes an equally short amount of installation time as the standard
meters. Available on 2” and 50mm or larger flowmeters.

Pressure Sensing

These Digital Flowmeters monitor pressure and flow. A pressure sensor is mounted between the two flow sensing
probes. The pressure signal is provided as a second milliamp output. The display can be configured to show
pressure or flow. The pressure signal is also available through wired or wireless serial outputs. The pulse
output is replaced with a transistor output configured as a low-pressure alarm when the pressure drops below 50
PSIG. Available on 2” and 50mm or larger flowmeters.

USB Data Logger

EXAIR’s award-winning Model 9147 USB Data Logger connects directly to your Digital Flowmeter and is simple to use. Download the software to configure the Data Logger to record your flow rate from once a second (about nine hours of data) up to once every 12 hours (over 2 years!).
When the Data Logger is removed from the Digital Flowmeter and plugged into a computer, the data can be viewed in the software or exported directly into Microsoft Excel. The Data Logger is available pre-installed on the Digital Flowmeter. Data Loggers can be added to your Digital Flowmeter by adding a suffix to the model number. They can also be ordered separately.

Summing Remote Display

EXAIR’s Summing Remote Display for the Digital Flowmeter has a four-digit LED display that makes it easy to monitor compressed air consumption from a convenient location. With the push of a button, the display cycles to show the current air consumption, usage for the previous 24 hours, and total cumulative usage. The Summing Remote Display shows that flow measurement, the daily and cumulative usage and is frequently used when the Digital Flowmeter is in an obscure, hard to read location. Regular monitoring of the air usage of a machine, process or department makes it possible to save thousands of dollars per year in compressed air waste by identifying the costly leaks or inefficient air products. The Summing Remote Display is CE and RoHS compliant.


All EXAIR Digital Flowmeters are available in three fundamental versions and offer these advantages over traditional flowmeters.

  • Easy to install – no moving parts
  • Summing Remote Display and Data Logger available
  • Optional RS-485 output serial communication board available
  • Sensitive at low flows
  • No calibration or setup required
  • Includes all components for installation
  • Models are available for sizes 1/2” to 8” in iron pipe
  • Models are available for sizes 3/4” to 4” in copper pipe
  • Models are available for sizes 25mm through 101mm in aluminium pipe


Digital Flowmeter Specifications
Wired Hot Tap Pressure Sensing
Accuracy 5% of reading plus 1% of range for flows from 10% to 100% of indicated range at air temperatures between -7ºC to 49ºC (20ºF to 120ºF) 5% of reading, plus 1% of range for flows from 10% to 100% of indicated range at air temperatures between -7ºC to 49ºC (20ºF to 120ºF) Pressure: +/- 2 PSIG maximum.  +/- 0.5 PSIG at 68
Operating Pressure 200 PSIG maximum on Sch. 40 iron and on Type L Copper below 3″. Contact us for other materials and higher pressures 130 PSIG maximum on Sch. 40 iron. Contact us for other materials and higher pressures 200 PSIG maximum on Sch. 40 iron and on Type L Copper below 3″. Contact us for other materials and higher pressures
Input Power 250 mA at 24VDC 250 mA at 24VDC 250 mA at 24VDC
Output Resistance 600 Ohms maximum 600 Ohms maximum 600 Ohms maximum
Wetted Materials Stainless steel, gold, thermal epoxy, Viton Stainless steel, gold, thermal epoxy, Viton, PTFE, Aluminium Stainless steel, gold, thermal epoxy, Viton
Ring Material Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium
Display Four digit LED Four digit LED Four digit LED
Response Time One second to 63% of change in value at flows above 30% of range One second to 63% of change in value at flows above 30% of range One second to 63% of change in value at flows above 30% of range
Pressure Range N/A N/A 0-145 PSIG operating range 200 PSIG maximum, 145 PSIG full scale of mA output. For best accuracy, avoid pressures above 145 PSIG
Compliance CE and RoHS CE and RoHS CE and RoHS
Exair Data Logger Software Download here

Note: For use with compressed air and nitrogen only.


**If dimensions are critical for mounting, please consult CAA.

Wired and Pressure Sensing Digital Flowmeters
Small Digital Flowmeter
Small Digital Flowmeter - Schedule 40 Iron Pipe**
Series Pipe Size A
in mm
9090 ½” 3.31 84
9091 ¾” 3.49 89
9092 1″ 3.87 98
9093 1-1/4″ 4.24 108
9094 1-½” 4.62 117
Large Digital Flowmeter
Large Digital Flowmeter - Schedule 40 Iron Pipe**
Series Pipe Size A
in mm
9095 2” 5.34 136
9096 2-½” 6.09 155
9097 3” 6.71 171
9098 4” 7.71 196
9099 5″ 8.84 224
90100 6″ 9.84 250
90101 8″ 11.84 301
Small Digital Flowmeter - Type L Copper Pipe**
Large Digital Flowmeter - Type L Copper Pipe**
Series Pipe Size A
in mm
9091UC 3/4″ 3.49 89
9092UC 1″ 3.68 93
9093UC 1-1/4″ 3.87 98
9094UC 1-1/2″ 4.24 108
Series Pipe Size A
in mm
9095CU 2″ 5.09 129
9096CU 2-1/2″ 5.84 148
9097CU 3″ 6.34 161
9098CU 4″ 7.34 186
Small Digital Flowmeter - Nominal Pipe**
Large Digital Flowmeter - Nominal Pipe**
Series Pipe Size A
in mm
91025 25mm 3.49 89
91040 40mm 4.24 108
Series Pipe Size A
in mm
91050 50mm 5.1 129
91063 63mm 5.6 142
91076 76mm 6.3 161
91101 101mm 7.3 186
Hot Tap Digital Flowmeter
Hot Tap Digital Flowmeter - Schedule 40 Iron Pipe**
Hot Tap Digital Flowmeter -Type L Copper Pipe**
Series Pipe Size A
in mm
H9095 2″ 6.43 163
H9096 2-1/2″ 7.20 183
H9097 3″ 7.82 199
H9098 4″ 8.82 224
H90100 6″ 10.95 278
H90101 8″ 12.95 329

**If dimensions are critical for mounting, please contact us.

Series Pipe Size A
in mm
H9095CU 2 6.18 157
H9096CU 2-1/2″ 6.95 177
H9097CU 3″ 7.45 189
H9098CU 4″ 8.45 215
H90100CU 6″ 10.45 265


Digital Flowmeter Model Numbering

1. Choose the VERSION of Digital Flowmeter using one of these prefixes:

Version Prefix
Standard No Prefix
Hot Tap DFM (available on 2″ and 50mm or larger) H
Pressure Sensing DFM (available on 2″ and 50mm or larger) P

2. Choose the SIZE of your compressed air pipe. Flowmeters are for Schedule 40 iron pipe, Type L
copper pipe and nominal pipe.

Model Pipe Size Model Pipe Size
9090 1/2″ 9099 5″
9091 3/4″ 90100 6″
9092 1″ 90101 8″
9093 1-1/4″ 90125 for nominal pipe 25mm
9094 1-1/2″ 91040 for nominal pipe 40mm
9095 2″ 91050 for nominal pipe 50mm
9096 2-1/2″ 91063 for nominal pipe 63mm
9097 3″ 91076 for nominal pipe 76mm
9098 4″ 91101 for nominal pipe 101mm

3. Choose the CONFIGURATION you want by picking one suffix below:

Suffix Configuration
-DG … Removes Drill Guide
-DAT … includes Data Logger with Drill Guide
-DG-DAT … includes Data Logger, removes Drill Guide
CU … for Copper Pipe with Drill Guide
CU-DG … for Copper Pipe, removes Drill Guide
CU-DAT … for Copper Pipe includes Data Logger with Drill Guide
CU-DG-DAT … for Copper Pipe includes Data Logger, removes Drill Guide
-M3 … Metric (displays m³/hr) with Drill Guide
-M3-DG … Metric (displays m³/hr) , removes Drill Guide
-M3-DAT … Metric (displays m³/hr) includes Data Logger with Drill Guide
-M3-DG-DAT … Metric (displays m³/hr), includes Data Logger, removes Drill Guide

Add specific CONFIGURATION from model numbering tables above.

Digital Flowmeter – Schedule 40 Iron Pipe
Pipe Size Flow Range* Standard Model Metric Display Model Hot Tap Model Pressure Sensing Model
SCFM m3/hr
1/2″ 1 – 90 2 – 153 9090
3/4″ 1 – 120 2 – 204 9091
1″ 1 – 160 2 – 272 9092 9092-M3
1-1/4″ 2 – 150 3.6 – 252 9093
1-1/2″ 2 – 200 3 – 340 9094
2″ 4 – 400 7 – 680 9095 9095-M3 H9095 P9095
2-1/2″ 5 – 500 8 – 850 9096 9096-M3 H9096 P9096
3″ 12 – 1,200 19.8 – 2,040 9097 H9097 P9097
4″ 20 – 2,000 34.2 – 3,396 9098 H9098 P9098
5″ 20 – 2,500 34.2 – 4,248 9099 P9099
6″ 50 – 5,000 85.2 – 8,496 90100 H90100 P90100
8″ 100 – 6,000 169.8 – 10,194 90101 H90101 P90101

*Calibrated range. Usable ranger higher. Please contact CAA.

Digital Flowmeter – Type L Copper Pipe
Pipe Size Flow Range* Standard Model Hot Tap Model Pressure Sensing Model
SCFM m3/hr
3/4″ 1 – 120 2 – 204 9091CU
1″ 1 – 160 2 – 272 9092CU
1-1/4″ 2 – 150 3.6 – 252 9093CU
1-1/2″ 2 – 200 3 – 342 9094CU
2″ 3 – 350 4.8 – 594 9095CU H9095CU P9095CU
2-1/2″ 5 – 500 8.4 – 846 9096CU H9096CU P9096CU
3″ 7 – 700 12 – 1,188 9097CU H9097CU P9097CU
4″ 15 – 1,500 25 – 2,548 9098CU H9098CU P9098CU
6″ 50 – 5,000 85 – 8,495 H90100CU

*Calibrated range. Usable ranger higher. Please contact CAA.

Digital Flowmeter – Nominal Pipe Size – Millimetres
Pipe Size Range* Standard Model Pressure Sensing Model
SCFM m3/hr
25mm 1 – 150 2 – 254 91025 P91025
40mm 2 – 200 3.6 – 342 91040 P91040
50mm 3 – 350 4.8 – 594 91050 P91050
63mm 5 – 500 8.4 – 846 91063 P91063
76mm 7 – 700 12 – 1,188 91076 P91076
101mm 15 – 1,500 25 – 2548 91101 P91101

*Calibrated range. Usable ranger higher. Please contact CAA.

Data Logger & Summing Remote Display
Model Description
9147 USB Data Logger for Digital Flow Meters
9150 Summing Remote Display – SCFM LED Readout
9150-M3 Summing Remote Display – M3/hr. LED Readout
Need an EXAIR Drill Guide?

Basic kits for EXAIR’s Digital Flowmeters include all of the components for installation which are: a drill guide to locate the holes for the sensing probes accurately, a drill bit so the holes are the proper size and a hex wrench for installing the pipe clamp securely. If you have purchased a Digital Flowmeter in the past and have these components for the same sized flowmeter, you can order the flowmeter without a drill guide kit by adding the “-DG” suffix to the model number. Please see Model Numbering tables above. Drill Guides can also be ordered separately.

Drill Guide Kits
Model Description
900817 Drill Guide Kit Only for 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″, 1-1/4″, 1-1/2″, 2″ Schedule 40 & Type L Copper Pipe
901281 Drill Guide Kit Only for 2½” Schedule 40 & Type L Copper Pipe
900939 Drill Guide Kit Only for 3″ Schedule 40 & Type L Copper Pipe
900871 Drill Guide Kit Only for 4″ Schedule 40 & Type L Copper Pipe
900872 Drill Guide Kit Only for 5″ Schedule 40 & Type L Copper Pipe
901151 Drill Guide Kit Only for 6″ Schedule 40 & Type L Copper Pipe
902098 Drill Guide Kit Only for 8″ Schedule 40 & Type L Copper Pipe
901994 Drill Guide Kit Only for 2″ and up Aluminium Pipe
What are Block Off Rings?

Block off rings are used to safely cover and seal any holes which were drilled for the Digital Flowmeters. They allow for moving a Digital Flowmeter to multiple locations in your piping system.

Block Off Rings
Model Description
901327 Block-Off Rings for model 9090 or 9090Z
901328 Block-Off Rings for model 9091 or 9091Z
901329 Block-Off Rings for model 9092, 9092-M3 or 9092Z
901331 Block-Off Rings for model 9094, 9094-M3 or 9094Z
901332 Block-Off Rings for model 9095, 9095-M3 or 9095Z
901333 Block-Off Rings for model 9096, 9096-M3 or 9096Z
901334 Block-Off Rings for model 9097, 9097-M3 or 9097Z
901335 Block-Off Rings for model 9098, 9098-M3 or 9098Z

Installation and Maintenance Guides

Digital Flowmeter

255.75 KB

Hot Tap Digital Flowmeter

560.43 KB

Pressure Sensing Digital Flowmeter

188.76 KB

Summing Remote Display

222.03 KB

USB Data Logger

521.67 KB

Optimization PDF Brochure

CAD Drawings

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